

August 12, 2015. we opened the shop in a corner of a residential area away from the hustle and bustle of Nakameguro. In an age where digital media products were growing rapidly, we dared to focus on vintage merchandise. This included cassette tapes, vinyl records, old books and magazines, VHS, and cassette players. We have developed a unique viewpoint on these products, which seeks to create and propose new values.

  • 入店時にご確認下さい(新型コロナウィルス感染防止対策緩和に伴う変更: 2023年3月13日更新)
    (English follows Japanese)

  • 新型コロナウィルス感染拡大防止のため、ご来店の際は下記に対するご理解ご協力をお願いします。

    1. マスクの着用は任意としています
    2. 入店は 1組 3名までとさせて頂きます(付き添いの方は極力店外でお待ち頂くようお願いします)
    3. お買物以外の目的での入店はご遠慮ください
    4. 入店後は速やかなお買物にご協力下さい

    To prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, we ask for your understanding and cooperation in the following.

    1. Face masks are optional
    2. Up to 3 persons per group(Please wait outside the shop if you are accompanied)
    3. Please refrain from entering the shop for purposes other than shopping
    4. Please cooperate with a prompt shopping after entrance

〒153-0061 東京都目黒区中目黒4-15-5

最寄駅 : 中目黒駅